School Rules & Regulations

  • Students are expected to respect the property of others and of the School.

  • Each class will be responsible for looking after the respective classroom, including any movable items.

  • No students should scratch/spoil/break or damage any School furniture, write/draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others.

  • Damage done, even by accident, should be reported at once to the appropriate authority. Any damage done shall be made good by the offender.

  • Any knives, crackers, water-pistols, explosives or any other lethal object which may cause threat or injury or damage to School property are strictly prohibited to carry to the School premises.

  • The School is strictly against exchange of any article or lending and borrowing of money. In case of any loss caused, the School shall not be held responsible.

  • It is advised that students at all-time must ensure cleanliness and do not litter or throw rubbish anywhere in the School premises or outside it. They must use the bins provided.

  • Running, playing or making noise affecting others inside the School premises is not permitted.

  • The School allows only English as the language to be used for communication within the School premises, except for the time devoted for classes or activities conducted for/in other languages.

  • No student can leave the School premises during school hours without prior permission of the Principal/Head of the School of the person authorised by the Principal/Head of the School. On obtaining permission to leave, entry must be duly made in the log book before leaving the School.

  • All students should behave in a courteous manner, wherever they go. They should always remember that the School is judged by the conduct of its students.

  • Only those students who maintain the required attendance as per the guidelines mentioned will be allowed to appear for examinations.

  • A student caught using unfair means, and/or receives or gives assistance in any form during tests/exams will result in suspension from the School. Repetition of the same will result into expulsion from the School.

  • All students must take part in physical exercise, games, sports and all other activities of the School in order to learn sportsman spirit, boost self-confidence and develop physical strength.